11 Nov 2020 In the aisleways with Horse World Connect
For the past few months, I’ve been working on some online networking with horse enthusiasts and professionals. Thanks to an excellent marketing motivation class this summer, I got my marketing mojo working. As part of this effort, I have reached out to editors, publicists, and podcast fans on Linked In. That’s how I found Lola Michelin and Horse World Connect!
Horse World Connect works hard to build conversation and connections between equine businesses and horse people. The group is a fantastic proponent of equine businesses and works to highlight products and services you might not recognize. A host of learning and connecting opportunities exist on Horse World Connect.
Business coaching with a certified professional coach can knock the cobwebs out of the brain and dislodge motivation especially this year. If email list management or social media makes you run for the hills, Horse World Connect can smooth the trail. New podcasts seem to sprout every day, and equine subjects are exploding. Horse World Connect has a huge selection of podcasts that highlight horse health, international expert trainers like Charle DeKunffy, natural horsemanship, and much more.
Lola is passionate about connecting equine business owners and professionals and hosts her own podcast called, In the Aisleways. After connecting on Linked In, Lola and I arranged a Zoom call. In our first call, we introduced ourselves to each other and scheduled a second Zoom call. I was thrilled to learn that Lola wanted to interview me for her podcast. After the interview, Lola invited me to be a blog contributor about Horses, Health, and History — my Equi-Libris brand.
In this posting, I have embedded a link to the In the Aisleways interview and to Horse World Connect.
Stay safe, stay well, and stay connected!
Cheers, Anna